Age and Pregnancy ?

Is There a Best Age To Get Pregnant?

Is there really a “right time” to get pregnant? Read on to learn why becoming a parent can be amazing at any age.

The best time for someone to get pregnant is when they’re physically, emotionally, mentally, and financially ready—and that varies widely from person to person. While most people are in their reproductive prime in their 20s, that decade isn’t always the best age to get pregnant when you consider those important variables beyond fertility. Some people simply aren’t ready yet, while others are. That’s why most experts and parents agree there is no perfect age to get pregnant.

There’s so much to consider. The younger you are, it’s likely you’ll have less money and resources to take care of a child than when you’re older and more advanced in your career. But many people who wait may also find that they are becoming a part of the sandwich generation, which means they are simultaneously caring for children and aging parents. And, of course, there’s also biological and physical limitations those who want children are way too often reminded of.

To help determine the best age to get pregnant for you, we asked a group of parents and health care experts for their informed guidance. Read on to find out your perfect pregnancy age.

Getting Pregnant Before Age 20

Having children in your teens may not be an ideal scenario, but there’s no denying that it’s when your fertility peaks. Unfortunately, preeclampsia rates tend to be higher among people this age (they rise again in your late 30s and early 40s).1 The financial concerns that come along with raising a child can also be stressful.

At age 18, Phylicia I.* from Atlanta was already married and pregnant. Looking back, she says, she had the mindset of a child: “I was extremely emotional and confused as to how to be a mom so young,” she recalls, more than a decade later. “It’s hard to be a parent when you still have a lot of growing up to do yourself.” Phylicia calls her kids “a gift from God,” but admits that everything would have been easier if she’d waited a few years until she was more knowledgeable and patient than she was as a teen.

Getting Pregnant Between Age 20 to 24

Most people in their early 20s are very fertile, with about an 85% chance of getting pregnant within a year.2 Finances may still be a burden, though, as many people in their early 20s are paying student loans, earning less, and putting little, if any, money into their savings.

At age 20, Bianca D.* was enrolled in college and pregnant with a daughter. By the time she was 25, she had a son. The Orlando, Florida mom was fortunate to have the support of friends and family, which allowed her to complete her degree. But the transitions in her life made the second pregnancy more difficult than the first.

“By my second pregnancy, I had transitioned from my full-time career in the marketing industry to being an entrepreneur working from home,” says Bianca. “I was less active, and my life was more stressful.” That pregnancy brought more complications and a longer recovery period, she adds.

Bianca maintains that there is no “right time” for a baby. “Whether it’s planned or not, it won’t ever be easy,” she affirms.

Getting Pregnant Between Age 25 to 29

Medically speaking, the odds of getting pregnant in your late 20s are the same as they were in your early 20s, and the lifestyle pros and cons likely aren’t much different either.

Krystal R.*, from Miami, decided to get pregnant right after getting married at age 27, despite the fact that others advised her to wait. “What people didn’t know is that my husband and I had talked about this for years—it was something we wanted,” she says. “I truly loved having my daughter at 27. I felt young, confident, full of energy, and ready to be the best mom I could be.”

Madelyn M.* had her first child at 28, and soon wanted to try for a second. “Growing up in a Hispanic family, I feel the pressure to have all of my kids before my mid-30s,” says the Atlanta mom. “Society puts so much pressure on us, but I do agree that having children in your mid-20s allows you some flexibility and doesn’t make you feel that you need to pop out babies one after the other.”

Getting Pregnant Between Age 30 to 34

“Once you hit your 30s, particularly 35 and beyond, we do start seeing a diminution in fertility—but that’s not an absolute,” says Mary Jane Minkin, M.D., a clinical professor of obstetrics, gynecology, and reproductive sciences at Yale University. “If you are still quite busy with establishing a career, or haven’t found the perfect partner, you shouldn’t be pushed into getting pregnant just to have a child. However, you also need to take into account how many kids you want.”

In terms of pros, getting pregnant in your early 30s gives you a significant amount of time to enjoy your young adult years, explore your career, and get to know yourself. That was definitely the case for Kelly M.* from Suffern, New York, who had her first child at age 34. She agrees that there’s something to be said for waiting until you’re older. “I was definitely not ready for that type of commitment in my 20s when I still had so much I wanted to accomplish first,” she says.

Meghan E.*, from Richmond, Virginia, got pregnant when she was 32. In retrospect, she says, it gave her enough time to establish her career and feel like she was on solid ground emotionally. “There’s no doubt that even in the best pregnancies and with the easiest of babies, you still need to cut back on work, even temporarily,” she reflects. “I put about four solid years into building a name for myself, as well as a solid base of loyal clients, which allowed me to take that step back when needed.”

Meghan does acknowledge some drawbacks to getting pregnant in your 30s. “I knew we were only going to have one or two children so I didn’t feel terribly rushed—but if someone does want to have more than a couple, or if they are keen on spacing out children, then you would consider starting earlier.”

I was definitely not ready for that type of commitment in my 20s when I still had so much I wanted to accomplish first.

Getting Pregnant Between Age 35 to 39

People in their mid- to late-30s will want to speak to a health care provider about conceiving and consult with a reproductive endocrinology specialist after six months of trying. That’s because fertility starts to decline at 32, and this speeds up at 37.3 The same goes for the success rates of those undergoing infertility treatments such as IVF, says Wendy C. Goodall McDonald, M.D., an OB-GYN with Northwestern Memorial Hospital in Chicago. “Health risks also start to rise, like hypertension, diabetes in pregnancy, and preeclampsia, as well as rates of chromosomal abnormalities.” Of course, that’s not the case for everyone and healthy pregnancy is still totally possible.

Monica B.* from Northport, New York, enjoyed having two children at age 35 and 37 because it gave her time to mature and become more financially stable. “Because of where I was in my career when I had my son, I had the experience and know-how to start my own consulting business,” she says. “I could be my own boss and design my own hours, which I wouldn’t have been able to do a few years earlier.”

There was one downside, however: “I seem to have several years on all the moms around me, which makes me feel somewhat disconnected,” Monica admits. “I’d still be invited to the moms’ night out kind of things, but there was always something in our conversations that underscored the age gap.”

Getting Pregnant Between Age 40 to 45

By age 40, a healthy person’s chance of becoming pregnant every month is less than 5%. People over 40 have an increase in early pregnancy complications such as ectopic pregnancies and miscarriages, says Anate Brauer, M.D., the IVF director at Shady Grove Fertility in New York City. They are also more likely to suffer from preeclampsia, diabetes, placenta previa, low birth weight, and preterm labor, with a higher rate of fetal demise. The risks increase further if they have pre-existing conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes, or obesity.

But, just like in your late 30s, a healthy pregnancy is possible in this age group too. And birth rates in this age group have been on the rise.4 What’s more, research shows people who gave birth after 40 were four times more likely to live to 100 than those who had kids younger.5

Suzana S.* from Astoria, New York, delivered her daughter a month before her 41st birthday—and says the timing was perfect for her. “I’m glad I had my daughter when I did because I had given myself many years to explore the meaning of my own life and define myself,” she emphasizes. “Because of my life experiences, I know I can help my daughter sift through all the noise in her life to discover what is true and beautiful for her.”

The Bottom Line

With stories like these, it seems there’s really no right answer to the question, “When is the best age to get pregnant?” Biologically, the answer is probably your early 20s, but this journey is highly personal and everyone is different. The best approach is to do what feels right for you—whatever that may be. And know there’s support and resources no matter what age you decide to conceive.

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